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Update on the annual OPTN call for nominations

Published on: Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The governance structure of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) relies on more than 300 active and engaged volunteers who shape OPTN policies in the continuous process of improving the nation’s donation and transplant system. Every year, the Nominating Committee of the OPTN Board of Directors develops a Needs Assessment that provides an overview of the composition of the entire OPTN governance system and identifies projected gaps in perspective, skills, experience, and demographics.

The Needs Assessment is typically published annually on the OPTN website in June. However, to align with other efforts in the OPTN Modernization Initiative, HRSA has requested that the 2025 - 2026 Needs Assessment be released at a later date. At that time, the community will be notified about the call for nominations.

Please note that interested individuals are encouraged to submit a volunteer interest form at any time.

Forms submitted now will be considered for upcoming 2025 vacancies and to fill any unexpected midterm vacancies.

Learn more about the OPTN governance structure and how to get involved.