KDPI calculator To calculate a KDPI score for a hypothetical or actual donor, please enter data for each required variable. Learn about KDPI All fields are required. Age: (years) Height: ft in cm Weight: lbs kg Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity not reported Race: American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Multi Racial Race not reported History of Hypertension: NO YES, 0-5 YEARS YES, 6-10 YEARS YES, >10 YEARS YES, UNKNOWN DURATION UNKNOWN History of Diabetes: NO YES, 0-5 YEARS < YES, 6-10 YEARS YES, >10 YEARS YES, DURATION UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Cause of Death: ANOXIA CEREBROVASCULAR/STROKE HEAD TRAUMA CNS TUMOR OTHER Serum Creatinine:(mg/dL) HCV Status Positive Negative Unknown Not Done Indeterminate Pending Donor meets DCD Criteria? YES NO Reset Calculate