Read the full proposal (PDF – 2 M; 1/2018)
Appendix L of the OPTN Bylaws details actions that the OPTN, through the Membership and Professional Standards Committee (MPSC) and Board of Directors, may take when OPTN members fail to comply with OPTN Obligations. Appendix L also outlines members' rights when the MPSC or Board of Directors is considering taking certain actions. The current Bylaws require the MPSC to engage with members through predetermined steps and timelines. As a result, both the MPSC and the member are sometimes required to interact in ways that do not provide significant value. Additionally, the current Bylaws include conflicting requirements, lack consistent and sufficient detail, and are organized confusingly. The proposal improves the OPTN review process and describes the process in a way that is more detailed and easier for members to understand. With a focus on member improvement in response to noncompliance with OPTN obligations, the rewrite of Appendix L primarily supports the OPTN strategic goal of promoting living donor and transplant recipient safety.