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Special public comment period to Update Criteria for Post-Transplant Graft Survival Transplant Performance Metrics

Published on: Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) seeks feedback during a special public comment period on a proposal that aims to remove barriers to increasing the number of transplants to support the OPTN Expeditious Task Force’s bold aim of 60,000 deceased donor transplants in 2026. The proposal would:

  • Raise the flagging threshold for 90-day graft survival and 1-year conditional on 90-day graft survival for adult transplant recipients from a 50% probability that the transplant program’s hazard ratio is greater than 1.75 (75% higher than expected) to a 50% probability that the transplant program’s hazard ratio is greater than 2.25 (125% higher than expected)

This special public comment period is open from September 17 through October 16, 2024. The last opportunity to provide feedback on this proposal is before 11:59 p.m. ET on October 16. Background information and other resources are available in the Enhance Transplant Program Performance Monitoring Metrics policy toolkit.

Read proposal and provide feedback

Register for an upcoming community town hall

The OPTN is also hosting a town hall on September 27, 2024, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. ET for the public to learn more about the proposal. OPTN Membership and Professional Standards Committee chair, Cliff Miles, will provide the community with an overview of the changes. Participants will be able to submit questions via the chat to be answered during the town hall. The town hall will be recorded and published on the OPTN website for later viewing.

Register now

For any questions on these changes or the community town hall, please contact