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April 6 - Electronic toolkit release

May 5 - Town hall event

May 14 - New resources available

Continuing Education

0.75 Category 1 CEPTC(s)

Educational toolkit, virtual town hall address transplant program performance reviews

Published on: Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A link to a recording of the May 5, 2015, town hall is now available.

UNOS is offering 0.75 Category 1 CEPTCs for reviewing the toolkit. To qualify to receive credit, members must complete the toolkit materials and then take the evaluation/assessment. A link to the evaluation is available on the toolkit page.

Program Goals

The goal of the performance monitoring electronic toolkit is to educate transplant programs on the current MPSC performance review process.

The goal of the virtual town hall event is to provide a venue for transplant programs to ask clarifying questions about the current MPSC performance review process.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the performance monitoring electronic toolkit, the participant will be able to:

  • Explain the MPSC performance review process
  • Identify the net benefits of MPSC performance reviews
  • Differentiate roles in the MPSC performance review process

Upon completion of the virtual town hall event, the participant will be able to:

  • Locate MPSC performance review process resources

Intended Audiences

Transplant Program staff:

  • Administrators/Managers
  • Clinical Coordinators
  • Directors
  • Physicians and Surgeons
  • Compliance and Quality Review Officers

Subject-Matter Experts

  • Dr. Jonathan M. Chen, Membership and Professional Standards Committee; Chair, Chief of Congenital Cardiac Surgery at Seattle Children’s Hospital
  • Dr. George E. Loss, At Large Representative for the MELD Enhancement Subcommittee; Chief of Ochsner Transplant Institute at Ochsner Foundation Hospital
  • Sharon Shepherd, J.D, MSN, RN, Transplant Systems Performance Manager at UNOS
  • Bob Carrico, Ph.D., Senior Biostatistician at UNOS