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View data reports

UNOS collects and manages all data that pertain to the patient waiting list, organ donation and matching, and transplantation occurring on the OPTN, the nation's organ transplant network.

In January 2022, the wording used to describe donor, candidate and recipient race/ethnicity in OPTN data products and reporting was updated to be clearer and more specific. You can read more about these changes here. Read more.

To view data reports, first select the type of data you need:

National data
Includes the latest data about the status of U.S. organ donation and transplantation on a national level.

Regional data
Allows you to view the latest data about the status of U.S. organ donation and transplantation by UNOS region of center.

State data
Allows you to view the latest data about the status of U.S. organ donation and transplantation by state of center.

Center data
Includes current and historical information accumulated about individual transplant centers.

Build advanced report
Allows you to view the latest data about the status of U.S. organ donation and transplantation. You can choose from a number of criteria to create a custom report.

Request data
Complete a form to request OPTN data. If you are at an OPTN Member transplant center, OPO or histocompatibility lab, and have access to UNetSM, please log in to Secure Enterprise and submit your data request using the UNOS Service Portal.

Annual report data
As part of an ongoing effort to identify emerging trends in the field of organ donation and transplantation, more than 50 experts from many areas of the transplant community have prepared the comprehensive report of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation (OPTN) and U.S. Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR).